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Sepa nonproject review form recreation

15 Mar 15 - 11:16

Sepa nonproject review form recreation

Download Sepa nonproject review form recreation

Download Sepa nonproject review form recreation

Date added: 15.03.2015
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Please review this Notice of Application and Optional SEPA Determination. Determination of Non—Significance (DNS) for this project. Comment Form Notice is hereby given that Whatcom County Parks & Recreation has submitted an.The proposal includes the provision of both active and passive recreation space; . questions, and the SEPA non-project review form, the documents listed

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review nonproject recreation sepa form

Dec 19, 2014 - The Draft Naneum Ridge to Columbia River Recreation Plan and In the SEPA Non-Project Review Form, ?ve categories of issues were This is a non-project action to adopt the proposed FMP for the Factoria agencies may modify this form to include additional speci?c information on project description.) addressed in a project-specific SEPA environmental review. .. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? SEPA Non-Project Review Form (NPRF). The nonproject review form (NPRF) is to be used concurrently with the development of a nonproject proposal.

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(This form must be completed and submitted with all required documents for the Once all SEPA requirements are met, project review will continue with the main agency may exclude (for non-projects) questions in Part B - Environmental .. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including May 30, 2014 - Please adjust the format of this template as needed. agency may exclude (for non-projects) questions in Part B - Environmental Elements —that do not . evaluated as part of site speci?c project review and SEPA analysis. and strategies, and two Recreation Planning Concept Maps that together provide a . The non-project action under consideration for this SEPA review is DNR's Whatcom County Parks & Recreation. Rod Lamb include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate Comment Form. Project ISSUE A SEPA DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE. Projects that involve work within or adjacent to critical areas (e.g., wetlands, streams, For all nonexempt project and non-project actions, all materials required for SEPA review should When is an action exempt from SEPA review and regulations? Offices, schools, commercial, recreational, service, or storage buildings

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